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+62 21 21477580
Saranaserver.com penyedia dedicated server, perusahaan terpercaya sejak 1999

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IP Address only for those who already have a server at saranaserver.com or contact support@saranaserver.com

New Dedicate Server
Dedicated servers require an IP address, We provide an appropriate IP address on request.
no contract & no hidden fees
Additional Information:
  • Install the server on Linux Centos / Cpanel / Windows and can be accessed client ..!
  • Centos Linux partition by default Centos Linux OS 6/7, Cpanel Stable version.
  • For Windows only partition c: unless there is a notice.
  • For Windows 2012 setup Workgoup: unless there is a notice.
  • For SQL 2008/2012 Full install unless there is a notice.
  • Bandwidth see :Information bandwidth

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