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Saranaserver.com penyedia dedicated server, perusahaan terpercaya sejak 1999
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Dedicated supermicro server
Dedicate Server Supermicro
Greener power, Single Core / Xeon Dual Core / Xeon Core Quard, Hard Disk HDD/SSD with DDR Memory.
Rackmount dedicated server Supermicro, Not the Virtual
Dedicated Server is a Supermicro computer that is prepared to be directly used as a server, starting from memory, storage in the form of HDD/SSD, installing software that will be used to setting root or administrator access via SSH or RDP.
Rackmount dedicated server Custom Supermicro, Not the Virtual
Dedicated Server Custom is a Supermicro computer that is prepared to be directly used as a server, but starting from the Mother Board, Memory, Storage in the form of HDD/SSD, Install Software that will be used to the root or administrator access settings via SSH or RDP determined by the owner.
Upgrade server
Additional IP Address, Hard Disk HDD/SSD or Memory up to 24 GB
Dedicated Servers
Upgrade HardDisk HDD/SSD or Memory just added 4.4 US$
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